Jupyter Notebook

Manage biological registries

With plug-in bionty, it becomes easy to import records from public biological ontologies.

#! pip install 'lamindb[bionty]'
!lamin init --storage ./test-registries --schema bionty
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Let’s pre-populate the bionty.Organism and bionty.CellType registry with a few records:

import lamindb as ln
import bionty as bt

bt.CellType.from_public(name="T cell").save()
bt.CellType(name="my T cell subtype").save()
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💡 connected lamindb: testuser1/test-registries
❗ records with similar names exist! did you mean to load one of them?
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description source_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
1 22LvKd01 T cell CL:0000084 None T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteri... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.025040+00:00
2 X6c7osZ5 lymphocyte CL:0000542 None None A Lymphocyte Is A Leukocyte Commonly Found In ... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.542279+00:00
3 4bKGljt0 cell CL:0000000 None None A Material Entity Of Anatomical Origin (Part O... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904382+00:00
4 2K93w3xO motile cell CL:0000219 None None A Cell That Moves By Its Own Activities. 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904535+00:00
5 2cXC7cgF single nucleate cell CL:0000226 None None A Cell With A Single Nucleus. 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904674+00:00
6 4WnpvUTH eukaryotic cell CL:0000255 None None None 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904813+00:00
7 3VEAlFdi leukocyte CL:0000738 None white blood cell|leucocyte An Achromatic Cell Of The Myeloid Or Lymphoid ... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904979+00:00
8 2Jgr5Xx4 mononuclear cell CL:0000842 None mononuclear leukocyte A Leukocyte With A Single Non-Segmented Nucleu... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905116+00:00
9 4Ilrnj9U hematopoietic cell CL:0000988 None haematopoietic cell|hemopoietic cell|haemopoie... A Cell Of A Hematopoietic Lineage. 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905251+00:00
10 u3sr1Gdf nucleate cell CL:0002242 None None A Cell Containing At Least One Nucleus. 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905385+00:00
CellType(uid='2eNGzkOc', name='my T cell subtype', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:21 UTC')

Access records in public ontologies

Consider a public ontology for cell types: .public() returns a bionty.core.PublicOntology object for accessing a public ontology.

public = bt.CellType.public()
Entity: CellType
Organism: all
Source: cl, 2024-02-13
#terms: 2918

We can use it to search the public ontology against cell types:

public.search("gamma delta T cell").head(3)
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ontology_id definition synonyms parents __ratio__
gamma-delta T cell CL:0000798 A T Cell That Expresses A Gamma-Delta T Cell R... gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-del... [CL:0000084] 100.000000
CD27-negative gamma-delta T cell CL:0002125 A Circulating Gamma-Delta T Cell That Expresse... gammadelta-17 cells [CL:0000800] 86.486486
mature gamma-delta T cell CL:0000800 A Gamma-Delta T Cell That Has A Mature Phenoty... mature gamma-delta T-lymphocyte|mature gamma-d... [CL:0002419, CL:0000798] 83.720930

Or to look up cell types with auto-complete:

lookup = public.lookup()
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CellType(ontology_id='CL:0000798', name='gamma-delta T cell', definition='A T Cell That Expresses A Gamma-Delta T Cell Receptor Complex.', synonyms='gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-delta T lymphocyte|gamma-delta T-lymphocyte', parents=array(['CL:0000084'], dtype=object))

Create records in in-house ontologies

We can now create a record for our in-house SQL registry by passing the result of the lookup in the public ontology to the CellType constructor:

gdt_cell = bt.CellType(lookup.gamma_delta_t_cell)
Hide code cell output
❗ records with similar names exist! did you mean to load one of them?
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description source_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
1 22LvKd01 T cell CL:0000084 None T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteri... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.025040+00:00
3 4bKGljt0 cell CL:0000000 None None A Material Entity Of Anatomical Origin (Part O... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904382+00:00
4 2K93w3xO motile cell CL:0000219 None None A Cell That Moves By Its Own Activities. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904535+00:00
5 2cXC7cgF single nucleate cell CL:0000226 None None A Cell With A Single Nucleus. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904674+00:00
6 4WnpvUTH eukaryotic cell CL:0000255 None None None 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904813+00:00
8 2Jgr5Xx4 mononuclear cell CL:0000842 None mononuclear leukocyte A Leukocyte With A Single Non-Segmented Nucleu... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905116+00:00
9 4Ilrnj9U hematopoietic cell CL:0000988 None haematopoietic cell|hemopoietic cell|haemopoie... A Cell Of A Hematopoietic Lineage. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905251+00:00
10 u3sr1Gdf nucleate cell CL:0002242 None None A Cell Containing At Least One Nucleus. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905385+00:00
11 2eNGzkOc my T cell subtype None None None None NaN None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.950634+00:00
CellType(uid='1HuNn2EP', name='gamma-delta T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000798', synonyms='gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-delta T lymphocyte|gamma-delta T-lymphocyte', created_by_id=1, source_id=31)

Alternatively, we can construct the gamma delta T cell via from_public(), which is synonyms-aware:

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CellType(uid='1HuNn2EP', name='gamma-delta T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000798', synonyms='gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-delta T lymphocyte|gamma-delta T-lymphocyte', description='A T Cell That Expresses A Gamma-Delta T Cell Receptor Complex.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31)

When we save this record to the registry, logging informs us that we’re also saving parent records:

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CellType(uid='1HuNn2EP', name='gamma-delta T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000798', synonyms='gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-delta T lymphocyte|gamma-delta T-lymphocyte', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:23 UTC')
Will I always see parents being saved?

No, this only happens a single time.

  • If we accidentally save the same record again, it will be recognized that the record and all parents are already in the registry.

  • If we save another record that has overlapping parents, only new parents will be saved.

View the ontological hierarchy:


Or access the parents directly:

Hide code cell output
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description source_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
1 22LvKd01 T cell CL:0000084 None T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteri... 31 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.025040+00:00

You can construct custom hierarchies of records:

my_celltype = bt.CellType.filter(name="my T cell subtype").one()
gdt_cell.view_parents(distance=2, with_children=True)

This cell type and all its parents can now be queried & searched in the registry via bt.CellType.filter() and bt.CellType.search().

Load records for values in data sources

When accessing data sources, one often encounters bulk references to entities that might be corrupted or standardized using different standardization schemes.

Let’s consider an example based on an AnnData object, in the cell_type annotations of this AnnData object, we find 4 references to cell types:

adata = ln.core.datasets.anndata_with_obs()
Hide code cell output
T cell                     10
hematopoietic stem cell    10
hepatocyte                 10
my new cell type           10
Name: count, dtype: int64

We’d like to load the corresponding records in our in-house ontology to annotate a dataset.

To this end, you’ll typically use from_values, which will both validate & load records that match the values.

cell_types = bt.CellType.from_values(adata.obs.cell_type)
Hide code cell output
did not create CellType record for 1 non-validated name: 'my new cell type'
[CellType(uid='22LvKd01', name='T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000084', synonyms='T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell', description='A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteristic Is The Expression Of A T Cell Receptor Complex.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:21 UTC'),
 CellType(uid='2U8xapxu', name='hematopoietic stem cell', ontology_id='CL:0000037', synonyms='hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell', description='A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lymphoid And Myeloid Lineages Develop, Including Blood Cells And Cells Of The Immune System. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Lack Cell Markers Of Effector Cells (Lin-Negative). Lin-Negative Is Defined By Lacking One Or More Of The Following Cell Surface Markers: Cd2, Cd3 Epsilon, Cd4, Cd5 ,Cd8 Alpha Chain, Cd11B, Cd14, Cd19, Cd20, Cd56, Ly6G, Ter119.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31),
 CellType(uid='7hggmgo1', name='hepatocyte', ontology_id='CL:0000182', description='The Main Structural Component Of The Liver. They Are Specialized Epithelial Cells That Are Organized Into Interconnected Plates Called Lobules. Majority Of Cell Population Of Liver, Polygonal In Shape, Arranged In Plates Or Trabeculae Between Sinusoids; May Have Single Nucleus Or Binucleated.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31)]

Logging informed us that 3 cell types were validated. Since we loaded these records at the same time, we could readily use them to annotate a dataset.

What happened under-the-hood?

.from_values() performs the following look ups:

  1. If registry records match the values, load these records

  2. If values match synonyms of registry records, load these records

  3. If no record in the registry matches, attempt to load records from a public ontology

  4. Same as 3. but based on synonyms

No records will be returned if all 4 look ups are unsuccessful.


celltype_names = [
    "gamma-delta T cell",  # existing record with the same name
    "T lymphocyte",  # existing record with synonym
    "hepatocyte",  # public record with the same name
    "HSC",  # public record with synonym
    "my new cell type",  # Not exist in in-house registry, not exist in public reference

This returns records for all names except from “my new cell type”.

If you’d like to add this new value to the registry, do it like so:

my_celltype = bionty.CellType(name="my new cell type")

Sometimes, it’s useful to treat validated records differently from non-validated records. Here is a way:

original_values = ["gut", "gut2"]
validated_status = bt.Tissue.validate(original_values)
validated_values = [value for value, validated in zip(original_values, validated_status) if validated]
records_from_validated_values = bt.Tissue.from_values(validated_values)

Alternatively, we can create entries based on ontology ids:

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['CL:0000084', 'CL:0000037', 'CL:0000182', '']
bt.CellType.from_values(adata.obs.cell_type_id, field=bt.CellType.ontology_id)
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[CellType(uid='22LvKd01', name='T cell', ontology_id='CL:0000084', synonyms='T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell', description='A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteristic Is The Expression Of A T Cell Receptor Complex.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:21 UTC'),
 CellType(uid='2U8xapxu', name='hematopoietic stem cell', ontology_id='CL:0000037', synonyms='hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell', description='A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lymphoid And Myeloid Lineages Develop, Including Blood Cells And Cells Of The Immune System. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Lack Cell Markers Of Effector Cells (Lin-Negative). Lin-Negative Is Defined By Lacking One Or More Of The Following Cell Surface Markers: Cd2, Cd3 Epsilon, Cd4, Cd5 ,Cd8 Alpha Chain, Cd11B, Cd14, Cd19, Cd20, Cd56, Ly6G, Ter119.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31),
 CellType(uid='7hggmgo1', name='hepatocyte', ontology_id='CL:0000182', description='The Main Structural Component Of The Liver. They Are Specialized Epithelial Cells That Are Organized Into Interconnected Plates Called Lobules. Majority Of Cell Population Of Liver, Polygonal In Shape, Arranged In Plates Or Trabeculae Between Sinusoids; May Have Single Nucleus Or Binucleated.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31)]

If we’re happy with the cell type records, we save them to the registry:


Now, let’s look at our in-house registry:

Hide code cell output
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description source_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
22 5J0ndawv precursor cell CL:0011115 None None A Cell That, By Division Or Terminal Different... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.825331+00:00
21 5fX4hLCd progenitor cell CL:0011026 None None A Precursor Cell That Has A Tendency To Differ... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.825193+00:00
20 5M0BT5FC hematopoietic precursor cell CL:0008001 None None Any Hematopoietic Cell That Is A Precursor Of ... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.825055+00:00
19 2Dvf9ly5 somatic stem cell CL:0000723 None None A Stem Cell That Can Give Rise To Cell Types O... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.824908+00:00
18 M3aRHlL9 endopolyploid cell CL:0000417 None None None 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.824730+00:00
17 1035XQsH polyploid cell CL:0000412 None None A Cell That Contains More Than Two Haploid Set... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.824593+00:00
16 68LNvDH7 epithelial cell CL:0000066 None epitheliocyte A Cell That Is Usually Found In A Two-Dimensio... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.824453+00:00
15 jxDD8ajD stem cell CL:0000034 None animal stem cell A Relatively Undifferentiated Cell That Retain... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.824300+00:00
14 7hggmgo1 hepatocyte CL:0000182 None None The Main Structural Component Of The Liver. Th... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.579329+00:00
13 2U8xapxu hematopoietic stem cell CL:0000037 None hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lympho... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:25.579176+00:00
12 1HuNn2EP gamma-delta T cell CL:0000798 None gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-del... None 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:23.259236+00:00
11 2eNGzkOc my T cell subtype None None None None NaN None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.950634+00:00
10 u3sr1Gdf nucleate cell CL:0002242 None None A Cell Containing At Least One Nucleus. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905385+00:00
9 4Ilrnj9U hematopoietic cell CL:0000988 None haematopoietic cell|hemopoietic cell|haemopoie... A Cell Of A Hematopoietic Lineage. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905251+00:00
8 2Jgr5Xx4 mononuclear cell CL:0000842 None mononuclear leukocyte A Leukocyte With A Single Non-Segmented Nucleu... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.905116+00:00
7 3VEAlFdi leukocyte CL:0000738 None white blood cell|leucocyte An Achromatic Cell Of The Myeloid Or Lymphoid ... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904979+00:00
6 4WnpvUTH eukaryotic cell CL:0000255 None None None 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904813+00:00
5 2cXC7cgF single nucleate cell CL:0000226 None None A Cell With A Single Nucleus. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904674+00:00
4 2K93w3xO motile cell CL:0000219 None None A Cell That Moves By Its Own Activities. 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904535+00:00
3 4bKGljt0 cell CL:0000000 None None A Material Entity Of Anatomical Origin (Part O... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904382+00:00
2 X6c7osZ5 lymphocyte CL:0000542 None None A Lymphocyte Is A Leukocyte Commonly Found In ... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.542279+00:00
1 22LvKd01 T cell CL:0000084 None T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteri... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.025040+00:00

Access records in in-house ontologies


bt.CellType.search("gamma delta T cell").df().head(2)
Hide code cell output
uid name ontology_id abbr synonyms description source_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
1 22LvKd01 T cell CL:0000084 None T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte|T-cell A Type Of Lymphocyte Whose Defining Characteri... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.025040+00:00
3 4bKGljt0 cell CL:0000000 None None A Material Entity Of Anatomical Origin (Part O... 31.0 None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:21.904382+00:00

Or look up with auto-complete:

cell_types = bt.CellType.lookup()
hsc_record = cell_types.hematopoietic_stem_cell
Hide code cell output
CellType(uid='2U8xapxu', name='hematopoietic stem cell', ontology_id='CL:0000037', synonyms='hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell', description='A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lymphoid And Myeloid Lineages Develop, Including Blood Cells And Cells Of The Immune System. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Lack Cell Markers Of Effector Cells (Lin-Negative). Lin-Negative Is Defined By Lacking One Or More Of The Following Cell Surface Markers: Cd2, Cd3 Epsilon, Cd4, Cd5 ,Cd8 Alpha Chain, Cd11B, Cd14, Cd19, Cd20, Cd56, Ly6G, Ter119.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:25 UTC')

Validate & standardize

Simple validation of an iterable of values works like so:

bt.CellType.validate(["HSC", "blood forming stem cell"])
Hide code cell output
2 terms (100.00%) are not validated for name: HSC, blood forming stem cell
array([False, False])

Because these values don’t comply with the registry, they’re not validated!

You can easily convert these values to validated standardized names based on synonyms like so:

bt.CellType.standardize(["HSC", "blood forming stem cell"])
Hide code cell output
['HSC', 'hematopoietic stem cell']

Alternatively, you can use .from_values(), which will only ever create validated records and automatically standardize under-the-hood:

bt.CellType.from_values(["HSC", "blood forming stem cell"])
Hide code cell output
did not create CellType record for 1 non-validated name: 'HSC'
[CellType(uid='2U8xapxu', name='hematopoietic stem cell', ontology_id='CL:0000037', synonyms='hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell', description='A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lymphoid And Myeloid Lineages Develop, Including Blood Cells And Cells Of The Immune System. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Lack Cell Markers Of Effector Cells (Lin-Negative). Lin-Negative Is Defined By Lacking One Or More Of The Following Cell Surface Markers: Cd2, Cd3 Epsilon, Cd4, Cd5 ,Cd8 Alpha Chain, Cd11B, Cd14, Cd19, Cd20, Cd56, Ly6G, Ter119.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:25 UTC')]

We can also add new synonyms to a record like so:


And when we encounter this synonym as a value, it will now be standardized using synonyms-lookup, and mapped on the correct registry record:

Hide code cell output
['hematopoietic stem cell']

A special synonym is .abbr (short for abbreviation), which has its own field and can be assigned via:


You can create a lookup object from the .abbr field:

cell_types = bt.CellType.lookup("abbr")
hsc = cell_types.hsc
Hide code cell output
CellType(uid='2U8xapxu', name='hematopoietic stem cell', ontology_id='CL:0000037', abbr='HSC', synonyms='HSCs|HSC|hemopoietic stem cell|blood forming stem cell', description='A Stem Cell From Which All Cells Of The Lymphoid And Myeloid Lineages Develop, Including Blood Cells And Cells Of The Immune System. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Lack Cell Markers Of Effector Cells (Lin-Negative). Lin-Negative Is Defined By Lacking One Or More Of The Following Cell Surface Markers: Cd2, Cd3 Epsilon, Cd4, Cd5 ,Cd8 Alpha Chain, Cd11B, Cd14, Cd19, Cd20, Cd56, Ly6G, Ter119.', created_by_id=1, source_id=31, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:26 UTC')

The same workflow works for all of bionty’s registries.

Manage registries across organisms

Most registries are organism-aware, for instance, Gene:

bt.Gene.from_public(symbol="TCF7", organism="human")
Gene(uid='7IkHKPl0ScQR', symbol='TCF7', ensembl_gene_id='ENSG00000081059', ncbi_gene_ids='6932', biotype='protein_coding', synonyms='TCF-1', description='transcription factor 7 ', created_by_id=1, organism_id=1, source_id=11)

Similarly, API calls that interact with multi-organism registries accept a organism argument, e.g.:

bt.Gene.validate(["TCF7", "ABC1"], organism="human")
Hide code cell output
2 terms (100.00%) are not validated for symbol: TCF7, ABC1
array([False, False])

And when working with the same organism throughout your analysis/workflow, you can omit the organism argument by configuring it globally:

bt.settings.organism = "mouse"
Gene(uid='3b8mHb0MRal4', symbol='Ap5b1', ensembl_gene_id='ENSMUSG00000049562', ncbi_gene_ids='381201', biotype='protein_coding', synonyms='Gm962', description='adaptor-related protein complex 5, beta 1 subunit ', created_by_id=1, organism_id=2, source_id=15)

Track underlying ontology versions

Under-the-hood, source ontology versions are automatically tracked:

Hide code cell output
uid entity organism source version in_db currently_used source_name url md5 source_website df_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
1 496G Organism vertebrates ensembl release-112 False True Ensembl https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-112/specie... 0ec37e77f4bc2d0b0b47c6c62b9f122d https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.194556+00:00
6 79UX Organism bacteria ensembl release-57 False True Ensembl https://ftp.ensemblgenomes.ebi.ac.uk/pub/bacte... ee28510ed5586ea7ab4495717c96efc8 https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.195437+00:00
7 1Aul Organism fungi ensembl release-57 False True Ensembl http://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/fungi/releas... dbcde58f4396ab8b2480f7fe9f83df8a https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.195614+00:00
8 4PAe Organism metazoa ensembl release-57 False True Ensembl http://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/metazoa/rele... 424636a574fec078a61cbdddb05f9132 https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.195784+00:00
9 1m81 Organism plants ensembl release-57 False True Ensembl https://ftp.ensemblgenomes.ebi.ac.uk/pub/plant... eadaa1f3e527e4c3940c90c7fa5c8bf4 https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.195956+00:00
10 3tEq Organism all ncbitaxon 2023-06-20 False True NCBItaxon Ontology s3://bionty-assets/df_all__ncbitaxon__2023-06-... 00d97ba65627f1cd65636d2df22ea76c https://github.com/obophenotype/ncbitaxon None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.196126+00:00
11 1xH4 Gene human ensembl release-112 False True Ensembl s3://bionty-assets/df_human__ensembl__release-... 4ccda4d88720a326737376c534e8446b https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.196296+00:00
15 1AT3 Gene mouse ensembl release-112 False True Ensembl s3://bionty-assets/df_mouse__ensembl__release-... 519cf7b8acc3c948274f66f3155a3210 https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.197000+00:00
19 6hrB Gene saccharomyces cerevisiae ensembl release-112 False True Ensembl s3://bionty-assets/df_saccharomyces cerevisiae... 11775126b101233525a0a9e2dd64edae https://www.ensembl.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.197694+00:00
22 58f3 Protein human uniprot 2024-03 False True Uniprot s3://bionty-assets/df_human__uniprot__2024-03_... b5b9e7645065b4b3187114f07e3f402f https://www.uniprot.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.198202+00:00
25 1032 Protein mouse uniprot 2024-03 False True Uniprot s3://bionty-assets/df_mouse__uniprot__2024-03_... b1b6a196eb853088d36198d8e3749ec4 https://www.uniprot.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.198709+00:00
28 7cT7 CellMarker human cellmarker 2.0 False True CellMarker s3://bionty-assets/human_cellmarker_2.0_CellMa... d565d4a542a5c7e7a06255975358e4f4 http://bio-bigdata.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.199218+00:00
29 kweZ CellMarker mouse cellmarker 2.0 False True CellMarker s3://bionty-assets/mouse_cellmarker_2.0_CellMa... 189586732c63be949e40dfa6a3636105 http://bio-bigdata.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.199388+00:00
30 5yMS CellLine all clo 2022-03-21 False True Cell Line Ontology https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/CLO/su... ea58a1010b7e745702a8397a526b3a33 https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/CLO None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.199558+00:00
31 2HS5 CellType all cl 2024-02-13 False True Cell Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/cl/releases/202... https://obophenotype.github.io/cell-ontology None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.199726+00:00
36 3wfb Tissue all uberon 2024-02-20 False True Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases... 2048667b5fdf93192384bdf53cafba18 http://obophenotype.github.io/uberon None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.200597+00:00
41 5tcO Disease all mondo 2024-02-06 False True Mondo Disease Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/mondo/releases/... 78914fa236773c5ea6605f7570df6245 https://mondo.monarchinitiative.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.201465+00:00
46 r5aU Disease human doid 2024-01-31 False True Human Disease Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/doid/releases/2... b36c15a4610757094f8db64b78ae2693 https://disease-ontology.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.202312+00:00
53 WcIm ExperimentalFactor all efo 3.63.0 False True The Experimental Factor Ontology http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/releases/v3.63.0/efo.owl 603e6f6981d53d501c5921aa3940b095 https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/EFO None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.203499+00:00
56 6Rhk Phenotype human hp 2024-03-06 False True Human Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/obophenotype/human-phenotyp... 36b0d00c24a68edb9131707bc146a4c7 https://hpo.jax.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.204004+00:00
60 74xB Phenotype mammalian mp 2024-02-07 False True Mammalian Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/mgijax/mammalian-phenotype-... 31c27ed2c7d5774f8b20a77e4e1fd278 https://github.com/mgijax/mammalian-phenotype-... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.204679+00:00
62 2YS5 Phenotype zebrafish zp 2024-01-22 False True Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/obophenotype/zebrafish-phen... 01600a5d392419b27fc567362d4cfff8 https://github.com/obophenotype/zebrafish-phen... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.205047+00:00
65 2hjK Phenotype all pato 2023-05-18 False True Phenotype And Trait Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pato/releases/2... bd472f4971492109493d4ad8a779a8dd https://github.com/pato-ontology/pato None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.208530+00:00
66 5Jfr Pathway all go 2023-05-10 False True Gene Ontology https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/GO/sub... e9845499eadaef2418f464cd7e9ac92e http://geneontology.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.208696+00:00
69 5e83 BFXPipeline all lamin 1.0.0 False True Bioinformatics Pipeline s3://bionty-assets/bfxpipelines.json a7eff57a256994692fba46e0199ffc94 https://lamin.ai None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.209249+00:00
70 4uDt Drug all dron 2024-03-02 False True Drug Ontology https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/DRON/s... 84138459de4f65034e979f4e46783747 https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/DRON None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.209428+00:00
72 238S DevelopmentalStage human hsapdv 2020-03-10 False True Human Developmental Stages http://aber-owl.net/media/ontologies/HSAPDV/11... 52181d59df84578ed69214a5cb614036 https://github.com/obophenotype/developmental-... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.209765+00:00
73 4hcb DevelopmentalStage mouse mmusdv 2020-03-10 False True Mouse Developmental Stages http://aber-owl.net/media/ontologies/MMUSDV/9/... 5bef72395d853c7f65450e6c2a1fc653 https://github.com/obophenotype/developmental-... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.209930+00:00
74 5kwU Ethnicity human hancestro 3.0 False True Human Ancestry Ontology https://github.com/EBISPOT/hancestro/raw/3.0/h... 76dd9efda9c2abd4bc32fc57c0b755dd https://github.com/EBISPOT/hancestro None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.210094+00:00
75 3pvh BioSample all ncbi 2023-09 False True NCBI BioSample attributes s3://bionty-assets/df_all__ncbi__2023-09__BioS... 918db9bd1734b97c596c67d9654a4126 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/biosample/docs/at... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.210258+00:00

Each record is linked to a versioned public source (if it was created from public):

hepatocyte = bt.CellType.filter(name="hepatocyte").one()
Hide code cell output
Source(uid='2HS5', entity='CellType', organism='all', source='cl', version='2024-02-13', in_db=False, currently_used=True, source_name='Cell Ontology', url='http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/cl/releases/2024-02-13/cl.owl', md5='', source_website='https://obophenotype.github.io/cell-ontology', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2024-07-26 14:36:17 UTC')

Create records from specific public ontologies

By default, records are created from the "currently_used" public sources which are configured during the instance initialization, e.g.:

Hide code cell output
Entity: Phenotype
Organism: human
Source: hp, 2024-03-06
#terms: 18697
Hide code cell output
uid entity organism source version in_db currently_used source_name url md5 source_website df_id run_id created_by_id updated_at
56 6Rhk Phenotype human hp 2024-03-06 False True Human Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/obophenotype/human-phenotyp... 36b0d00c24a68edb9131707bc146a4c7 https://hpo.jax.org None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.204004+00:00
60 74xB Phenotype mammalian mp 2024-02-07 False True Mammalian Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/mgijax/mammalian-phenotype-... 31c27ed2c7d5774f8b20a77e4e1fd278 https://github.com/mgijax/mammalian-phenotype-... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.204679+00:00
62 2YS5 Phenotype zebrafish zp 2024-01-22 False True Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology https://github.com/obophenotype/zebrafish-phen... 01600a5d392419b27fc567362d4cfff8 https://github.com/obophenotype/zebrafish-phen... None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.205047+00:00
65 2hjK Phenotype all pato 2023-05-18 False True Phenotype And Trait Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pato/releases/2... bd472f4971492109493d4ad8a779a8dd https://github.com/pato-ontology/pato None None 1 2024-07-26 14:36:17.208530+00:00

Sometimes, the default source doesn’t contain the ontology term you are looking for.

You can then specify to create a record from a non-default source. For instance, instead of using untyped labels for iris organisms as Tutorial: Features & labels, we can use the ncbitaxon ontology:

source = bt.PublicSource.filter(entity="Organism", source="ncbitaxon").one()
iris_setosa = bt.Organism.from_public(name="iris setosa", source=source)

Analogously, you can pass source to bulk-create records from a non-default source:

records = bt.Organism.from_values(
    ["iris setosa", "iris versicolor", "iris virginica"], source=source
Hide code cell content
# clean up test instance
!lamin delete --force test-registries
💡 deleting instance testuser1/test-registries