Access management


LaminDB doesn’t come with access management but relies on the underlying data infrastructure for this.


LaminHub provides a layer for AWS & GCP that makes access management more secure & intuitive.

Rather than configuring storage & database permissions directly on AWS or GCP, LaminHub allows you to manage collaborators for databases & storage locations in the same way you manage access to repositories on GitHub. However, in contrast to a typical SaaS product like GitHub, LaminHub leaves you in full control of your data with direct API access to databases & storage locations on AWS or GCP.

How does it work?

  • Based on an identity provider (Google, GitHub, SSO, OIDC) and a role-based permission system, LaminDB users automatically receive federated access tokens for data on AWS or GCP. These tokens are short-lived and thereby minimize attack surface.

  • LaminHub’s permission system makes it easy to minimize attack surfaces by implementing the principle of least privilege.

Cloud providers

Currently, only on the enterprise plan, we’re happy to

  1. host databases & storage in Lamin’s AWS/GCP infrastructure

  2. help you connect LaminHub to databases & storage in your AWS/GCP infrastructure

We’ll role out a fully hosted Pro plan over time.