
A wetlab schema.

This default wetlab schema module mostly serves to exemplify how you define costum registries on GitHub.

Most professional users create their custom schemas to map their operations or leverage schema synching from Benchling. If you need help with this, please reach out!

Generally, the wetlab schema is designed to model experimental covariates and perturbations including their targets.

Install the schema module:

pip install wetlab

Create your instance mounting the module:

lamin init --storage ./test-wetlab --schema bionty,wetlab

Import in Python:

import wetlab as wl


Experiment(*args, **kwargs)

Models a wetlab experiment of wetlab.ExperimentType.

ExperimentType(*args, **kwargs)

Models the type of wetlab experiment and is associated with wetlab.Experiment.

Biosample(*args, **kwargs)

Models a specimen derived from an organism, such as tissue, blood, or cells.

Techsample(*args, **kwargs)

Models technical samples which represent a processed or derived sample in a lab created from raw biological materials.

CombinationTreatment(*args, **kwargs)

Combination of several Treatments.

GeneticTreatment(*args, **kwargs)

Models Genetic perturbations such as CRISPR.

CompoundTreatment(*args, **kwargs)

Models compound treatments such as drugs.

EnvironmentalTreatment(*args, **kwargs)

Models environmental perturbations such as heat, acid, or smoke treatments.

TreatmentTarget(*args, **kwargs)

Models treatment targets such as Gene, Pathway, and Protein.

Well(*args, **kwargs)

Models a well in a wetlab wetlab.Experiment that is part of a microplate.