
class lamindb.core.subsettings.CreationSettings

Bases: object


artifact_if_hash_exists: Literal['warn_return_existing', 'error', 'warn_create_new'] = 'warn_return_existing'

Behavior if file hash exists (default "warn_return_existing").

One of ["warn_return_existing", "error", "warn_create_new"].

FAQ: What happens if I save the same artifacts & records twice?

artifact_silence_missing_run_warning: bool = False

Silence warning about missing run & transform during artifact creation.

artifact_skip_size_hash: bool = False

To speed up registering high numbers of files (default False).

This bypasses queries for size and hash to AWS & GCP.

It speeds up file creation by about a factor 100.

search_names: bool = True

To speed up creating records (default True).

If True, search for alternative names.

FAQ: What happens if I save the same artifacts & records twice?