
class clinicore.Medication(name: str, ontology_id: str | None, abbr: str | None, synonyms: str | None, description: str | None, parents: list[Medication], source: Source | None)
class clinicore.Medication(*db_args)

Bases: BioRecord, TracksRun, TracksUpdates

Models a medication.

Simple fields

uid: str

A universal id (hash of selected field).

name: str

Name of the medication.

ontology_id: str | None

Ontology ID of the medication.

chembl_id: str | None

ChEMBL ID of the medication.

abbr: str | None

A unique abbreviation of medication.

synonyms: str | None

Bar-separated (|) synonyms that correspond to this medication.

description: str | None

Description of the medication.

created_at: datetime

Time of creation of record.

updated_at: datetime

Time of last update to record.

Relational fields

space: Space

The space in which the record lives.

created_by: User

Creator of record.

run: Run | None

Run that created record.


Source this record associates with.

parents: Medication

Parent medication records.

artifacts: Artifact

Artifacts linked to the medication.

Class methods

classmethod add_source(source, df=None)

Link a source record to the entity with a reference DataFrame.

  • source (Source) – Source record to add (this can be from another entity).

  • df (DataFrame | None, default: None) – DataFrame to add to the source.dataframe_artifact.

Return type:



A Source record with this entity.


import bionty as bt

internal_source = bt.Source(
    description="internal gene reference",

source_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "ensembl_gene_id": ["ENSOCUG00000017195"],
        "symbol": ["SEL1L3"],
        "description": ["SEL1L family member 3"],

bt.Gene.add_source(internal_source, df=df)
classmethod df(include=None, features=False, limit=100)

Convert to pd.DataFrame.

By default, shows all direct fields, except updated_at.

Use arguments include or feature to include other data.

  • include (str | list[str] | None, default: None) – Related fields to include as columns. Takes strings of form "ulabels__name", "cell_types__name", etc. or a list of such strings.

  • features (bool | list[str], default: False) – If True, map all features of the Feature registry onto the resulting DataFrame. Only available for Artifact.

  • limit (int, default: 100) – Maximum number of rows to display from a Pandas DataFrame. Defaults to 100 to reduce database load.

Return type:



Include the name of the creator in the DataFrame:

>>> ln.ULabel.df(include="created_by__name"])

Include display of features for Artifact:

>>> df = ln.Artifact.df(features=True)
>>> ln.view(df)  # visualize with type annotations

Only include select features:

>>> df = ln.Artifact.df(features=["cell_type_by_expert", "cell_type_by_model"])
classmethod filter(*queries, **expressions)

Query records.

  • queries – One or multiple Q objects.

  • expressions – Fields and values passed as Django query expressions.

Return type:



A QuerySet.

See also


>>> ln.ULabel(name="my label").save()
>>> ln.ULabel.filter(name__startswith="my").df()
classmethod from_source(*, mute=False, **kwargs)

Create a record or records from source based on a single field value.

Return type:

BioRecord | list[BioRecord] | None


For more info, see tutorial bionty

Bulk create records via from_values().


import bionty as bt

# Create a record by passing a field value:
record = bt.Gene.from_source(symbol="TCF7", organism="human")

# Create a record from non-default source:
source = bt.Source.get(entity="CellType", source="cl", version="2022-08-16")
record = bt.CellType.from_source(name="T cell", source=source)
classmethod from_values(values, field=None, create=False, organism=None, source=None, mute=False)

Bulk create validated records by parsing values for an identifier such as a name or an id).

  • values (list[str] | Series | array) – A list of values for an identifier, e.g. ["name1", "name2"].

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – A Record field to look up, e.g.,

  • create (bool, default: False) – Whether to create records if they don’t exist.

  • organism (Record | str | None, default: None) – A bionty.Organism name or record.

  • source (Record | None, default: None) – A bionty.Source record to validate against to create records for.

  • mute (bool, default: False) – Whether to mute logging.

Return type:



A list of validated records. For bionty registries. Also returns knowledge-coupled records.


For more info, see tutorial: Manage biological registries.


import bionty as bt

# Bulk create from non-validated values will log warnings & returns empty list
ulabels = ln.ULabel.from_values(["benchmark", "prediction", "test"])
assert len(ulabels) == 0

# Bulk create records from validated values returns the corresponding existing records
ulabels = ln.ULabel.from_values(["benchmark", "prediction", "test"], create=True).save()
assert len(ulabels) == 3

# Bulk create records from public reference
bt.CellType.from_values(["T cell", "B cell"]).save()
classmethod get(idlike=None, **expressions)

Get a single record.

  • idlike (int | str | None, default: None) – Either a uid stub, uid or an integer id.

  • expressions – Fields and values passed as Django query expressions.


lamindb.errors.DoesNotExist – In case no matching record is found.

Return type:


See also


ulabel = ln.ULabel.get("FvtpPJLJ")
ulabel = ln.ULabel.get(name="my-label")
classmethod import_source(source=None, update_records=False, *, organism=None, ignore_conflicts=True)

Bulk save records from a Bionty ontology.

Use this method to initialize your registry with public ontology.

  • source (Source | None, default: None) – Source record to import records from.

  • update_records (bool, default: False) – If True, update existing records with the new source. - If a record has the same metadata in the new source, link the record to the new source. - If a record has no artifacts associated, update it’s metadata and link to the new source. - If a record associated artifacts, but different name in the new source, create a new record with the new source.

  • organism (str | Record | None, default: None) – Organism name or record. Required for entities with a required organism foreign key when no source is passed.

  • ignore_conflicts (bool, default: True) – Whether to ignore conflicts during bulk record creation.


import bionty as bt

# import all records from a default source
default_sources = bt.Source.filter(entity="bionty.CellType", currently_used=True).df()

# import all records from a specific source
source = bt.Source.get(entity="bionty.CellType", source="cl", version="2022-08-16")
bt.CellType.df()  # all records from the source are now in the registry

# update existing records with a new source (version update)
source = bt.Source.get(entity="bionty.CellType", source="cl", version="2024-08-16")
bt.CellType.import_source(source, update_records=True)
classmethod inspect(values, field=None, *, mute=False, organism=None, source=None, strict_source=False)

Inspect if values are mappable to a field.

Being mappable means that an exact match exists.

  • values (list[str] | Series | array) – Values that will be checked against the field.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field of values. Examples are 'ontology_id' to map against the source ID or 'name' to map against the ontologies field names.

  • mute (bool, default: False) – Whether to mute logging.

  • organism (str | Record | None, default: None) – An Organism name or record.

  • source (Record | None, default: None) – A bionty.Source record that specifies the version to inspect against.

  • strict_source (bool, default: False) – Determines the validation behavior against records in the registry. - If False, validation will include all records in the registry, ignoring the specified source. - If True, validation will only include records in the registry that are linked to the specified source. Note: this parameter won’t affect validation against public sources.

Return type:


See also



import bionty as bt

# save some gene records
bt.Gene.from_values(["A1CF", "A1BG", "BRCA2"], field="symbol", organism="human").save()

# inspect gene symbols
gene_symbols = ["A1CF", "A1BG", "FANCD1", "FANCD20"]
result = bt.Gene.inspect(gene_symbols, field=bt.Gene.symbol, organism="human")
assert result.validated == ["A1CF", "A1BG"]
assert result.non_validated == ["FANCD1", "FANCD20"]
classmethod lookup(field=None, return_field=None)

Return an auto-complete object for a field.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field to look up the values for. Defaults to first string field.

  • return_field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field to return. If None, returns the whole record.

Return type:



A NamedTuple of lookup information of the field values with a dictionary converter.

See also



>>> import bionty as bt
>>> bt.settings.organism = "human"
>>> bt.Gene.from_source(symbol="ADGB-DT").save()
>>> lookup = bt.Gene.lookup()
>>> lookup.adgb_dt
>>> lookup_dict = lookup.dict()
>>> lookup_dict['ADGB-DT']
>>> lookup_by_ensembl_id = bt.Gene.lookup(field="ensembl_gene_id")
>>> genes.ensg00000002745
>>> lookup_return_symbols = bt.Gene.lookup(field="ensembl_gene_id", return_field="symbol")
classmethod public(organism=None, source=None)

The corresponding bionty.base.PublicOntology object.

Note that the source is auto-configured and tracked via bionty.Source. :rtype: PublicOntology | StaticReference


import bionty as bt

# default source
celltype_pub = bt.CellType.public()
#> PublicOntology
#> Entity: CellType
#> Organism: all
#> Source: cl, 2023-04-20
#> #terms: 2698

# default source of a organism
gene_pub = bt.Gene.public(organism="mouse")
#> PublicOntology
#> Entity: Gene
#> Organism: mouse
#> Source: ensembl, release-112
#> #terms: 57510
classmethod search(string, *, field=None, limit=20, case_sensitive=False)


  • string (str) – The input string to match against the field ontology values.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field or fields to search. Search all string fields by default.

  • limit (int | None, default: 20) – Maximum amount of top results to return.

  • case_sensitive (bool, default: False) – Whether the match is case sensitive.

Return type:



A sorted DataFrame of search results with a score in column score. If return_queryset is True. QuerySet.

See also

filter() lookup()


>>> ulabels = ln.ULabel.from_values(["ULabel1", "ULabel2", "ULabel3"], field="name")
classmethod standardize(values, field=None, *, return_field=None, return_mapper=False, case_sensitive=False, mute=False, source_aware=True, keep='first', synonyms_field='synonyms', organism=None, source=None, strict_source=False)

Maps input synonyms to standardized names.

  • values (Iterable) – Identifiers that will be standardized.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field representing the standardized names.

  • return_field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field to return. Defaults to field.

  • return_mapper (bool, default: False) – If True, returns {input_value: standardized_name}.

  • case_sensitive (bool, default: False) – Whether the mapping is case sensitive.

  • mute (bool, default: False) – Whether to mute logging.

  • source_aware (bool, default: True) – Whether to standardize from public source. Defaults to True for BioRecord registries.

  • keep (Literal['first', 'last', False], default: 'first') –

    When a synonym maps to multiple names, determines which duplicates to mark as pd.DataFrame.duplicated: - "first": returns the first mapped standardized name - "last": returns the last mapped standardized name - False: returns all mapped standardized name.

    When keep is False, the returned list of standardized names will contain nested lists in case of duplicates.

    When a field is converted into return_field, keep marks which matches to keep when multiple return_field values map to the same field value.

  • synonyms_field (str, default: 'synonyms') – A field containing the concatenated synonyms.

  • organism (str | Record | None, default: None) – An Organism name or record.

  • source (Record | None, default: None) – A bionty.Source record that specifies the version to validate against.

  • strict_source (bool, default: False) – Determines the validation behavior against records in the registry. - If False, validation will include all records in the registry, ignoring the specified source. - If True, validation will only include records in the registry that are linked to the specified source. Note: this parameter won’t affect validation against public sources.

Return type:

list[str] | dict[str, str]


If return_mapper is False – a list of standardized names. Otherwise, a dictionary of mapped values with mappable synonyms as keys and standardized names as values.

See also


Add synonyms.


Remove synonyms.


import bionty as bt

# save some gene records
bt.Gene.from_values(["A1CF", "A1BG", "BRCA2"], field="symbol", organism="human").save()

# standardize gene synonyms
gene_synonyms = ["A1CF", "A1BG", "FANCD1", "FANCD20"]
#> ['A1CF', 'A1BG', 'BRCA2', 'FANCD20']
classmethod using(instance)

Use a non-default LaminDB instance.


instance (str | None) – An instance identifier of form “account_handle/instance_name”.

Return type:



>>> ln.ULabel.using("account_handle/instance_name").search("ULabel7", field="name")
            uid    score
ULabel7  g7Hk9b2v  100.0
ULabel5  t4Jm6s0q   75.0
ULabel6  r2Xw8p1z   75.0
classmethod validate(values, field=None, *, mute=False, organism=None, source=None, strict_source=False)

Validate values against existing values of a string field.

Note this is strict_source validation, only asserts exact matches.

  • values (list[str] | Series | array) – Values that will be validated against the field.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – The field of values. Examples are 'ontology_id' to map against the source ID or 'name' to map against the ontologies field names.

  • mute (bool, default: False) – Whether to mute logging.

  • organism (str | Record | None, default: None) – An Organism name or record.

  • source (Record | None, default: None) – A bionty.Source record that specifies the version to validate against.

  • strict_source (bool, default: False) – Determines the validation behavior against records in the registry. - If False, validation will include all records in the registry, ignoring the specified source. - If True, validation will only include records in the registry that are linked to the specified source. Note: this parameter won’t affect validation against public sources.

Return type:



A vector of booleans indicating if an element is validated.

See also



import bionty as bt

bt.Gene.from_values(["A1CF", "A1BG", "BRCA2"], field="symbol", organism="human").save()

gene_symbols = ["A1CF", "A1BG", "FANCD1", "FANCD20"]
bt.Gene.validate(gene_symbols, field=bt.Gene.symbol, organism="human")
#> array([ True,  True, False, False])


add_synonym(synonym, force=False, save=None)

Add synonyms to a record.

  • synonym (str | list[str] | Series | array) – The synonyms to add to the record.

  • force (bool, default: False) – Whether to add synonyms even if they are already synonyms of other records.

  • save (bool | None, default: None) – Whether to save the record to the database.

See also


Remove synonyms.


import bionty as bt

# save "T cell" record
record = bt.CellType.from_source(name="T cell").save()
#> "T-cell|T lymphocyte|T-lymphocyte"

# add a synonym
record.add_synonym("T cells")
#> "T cells|T-cell|T-lymphocyte|T lymphocyte"


Return type:



Query children in an ontology.

Return type:



Query parents in an ontology.

Return type:



Remove synonyms from a record.


synonym (str | list[str] | Series | array) – The synonym values to remove.

See also


Add synonyms


import bionty as bt

# save "T cell" record
record = bt.CellType.from_source(name="T cell").save()
#> "T-cell|T lymphocyte|T-lymphocyte"

# remove a synonym
#> "T lymphocyte|T-lymphocyte"
save(*args, **kwargs)

Save the record and its parents recursively.


import bionty as bt

record = bt.CellType.from_source(name="T cell")
Return type:



Set value for abbr field and add to synonyms.


value (str) – A value for an abbreviation.

See also



import bionty as bt

# save an experimental factor record
scrna = bt.ExperimentalFactor.from_source(name="single-cell RNA sequencing").save()
assert scrna.abbr is None
assert scrna.synonyms == "single-cell RNA-seq|single-cell transcriptome sequencing|scRNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing"

# set abbreviation
assert scrna.abbr == "scRNA"
# synonyms are updated
assert scrna.synonyms == "scRNA|single-cell RNA-seq|single cell RNA sequencing|single-cell transcriptome sequencing|scRNA-seq"
view_parents(field=None, with_children=False, distance=5)

View parents in an ontology.

  • field (str | DeferredAttribute | None, default: None) – Field to display on graph

  • with_children (bool, default: False) – Whether to also show children.

  • distance (int, default: 5) – Maximum distance still shown.

Ontological hierarchies: ULabel (project & sub-project), CellType (cell type & subtype).


>>> import bionty as bt
>>> bt.Tissue.from_source(name="subsegmental bronchus").save()
>>> record = bt.Tissue.get(name="respiratory tube")
>>> record.view_parents()
>>> tissue.view_parents(with_children=True)