What does the key parameter do under the hood?

LaminDB is designed around associating biological metadata to artifacts and collections. This enables querying for them in storage by metadata and removes the requirement for semantic artifact and collection names.

Here, we will discuss trade-offs for using the key parameter, which allows for semantic keys, in various scenarios.

We’re simulating an artifact system with several nested folders and artifacts. Such structures are resembled in, for example, the RxRx: cell imaging guide.

# !pip install 'lamindb[jupyter]'
import random
import string
from pathlib import Path

def create_complex_biological_hierarchy(root_folder):
    root_path = Path(root_folder)

    if root_path.exists():
        print("Folder structure already exists. Skipping...")

        raw_folder = root_path / "raw"
        preprocessed_folder = root_path / "preprocessed"

        for i in range(1, 5):
            artifact_name = f"raw_data_{i}.txt"
            with (raw_folder / artifact_name).open("w") as f:
                random_text = "".join(
                    random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)

        for i in range(1, 3):
            collection_folder = raw_folder / f"Collection_{i}"

            for j in range(1, 5):
                artifact_name = f"raw_data_{j}.txt"
                with (collection_folder / artifact_name).open("w") as f:
                    random_text = "".join(
                        random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)

        for i in range(1, 5):
            artifact_name = f"result_{i}.txt"
            with (preprocessed_folder / artifact_name).open("w") as f:
                random_text = "".join(
                    random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(10)

root_folder = "complex_biological_project"
!lamin init --storage ./key-eval
 connected lamindb: testuser1/key-eval
import lamindb as ln

ln.settings.verbosity = "hint"
 connected lamindb: testuser1/key-eval
4 sub-directories & 8 files with suffixes '.txt'
├── raw/
│   ├── raw_data_3.txt
│   ├── Collection_2/
│   ├── raw_data_4.txt
│   ├── raw_data_1.txt
│   ├── raw_data_2.txt
│   └── Collection_1/
└── preprocessed/
    ├── result_4.txt
    ├── result_2.txt
    ├── result_1.txt
    └── result_3.txt
 tracked pip freeze > /home/runner/.cache/lamindb/run_env_pip_jsTeS7XdHbDJPd9I0JWs.txt
 created Transform('WIwaNDvl'), started new Run('jsTeS7Xd') at 2024-12-20 15:04:58 UTC
 notebook imports: lamindb==0.77.3

Storing artifacts using Storage, File, and Collection

Lamin has three storage classes that manage different types of in-memory and on-disk objects:

  1. Storage: Manages the default storage root that can be either local or in the cloud. For more details we refer to Storage FAQ.

  2. Artifact: Manages datasets with an optional key that acts as a relative path within the current default storage root (see Storage). An example is a single h5 artifact.

  3. Collection: Manages a collection of datasets with an optional key that acts as a relative path within the current default storage root (see Storage). An example is a collection of h5 artifacts.

For more details we refer to Tutorial: Artifacts.

The current storage root is:

StorageSettings(root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval', uid='uZJLSN0HO3TH')

By default, Lamin uses virtual keys that are only reflected in the database but not in storage. It is possible to turn this behavior off by setting ln.settings.creation._artifact_use_virtual_keys = False. Generally, we discourage disabling this setting manually. For more details we refer to Storage FAQ.


We will now create File objects with and without semantic keys using key and also save them as Collections.

artifact_no_key_1 = ln.Artifact("complex_biological_project/raw/raw_data_1.txt")
artifact_no_key_2 = ln.Artifact("complex_biological_project/raw/raw_data_2.txt")
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000.txt')
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000.txt')

The logging suggests that the artifacts will be saved to our current default storage with auto generated storage keys.

 storing artifact 'vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000.txt'
 storing artifact 'gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000.txt'
Artifact(uid='gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000', is_latest=True, suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
artifact_key_3 = ln.Artifact(
    "complex_biological_project/raw/raw_data_3.txt", key="raw/raw_data_3.txt"
artifact_key_4 = ln.Artifact(
    "complex_biological_project/raw/raw_data_4.txt", key="raw/raw_data_4.txt"
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key 'raw/raw_data_3.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key 'raw/raw_data_4.txt'
 storing artifact 'ctxOjAm3eXjOy6O50000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/ctxOjAm3eXjOy6O50000.txt'
 storing artifact 'ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000.txt'
Artifact(uid='ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000', is_latest=True, key='raw/raw_data_4.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)

Files with keys are not stored in different locations because of the usage of virtual keys. However, they are still semantically queryable by key.

uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
3 ctxOjAm3eXjOy6O50000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 zIz0NLXJyfOhfzJjUSeF7w None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.877483+00:00 1
4 ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000 raw/raw_data_4.txt None .txt None 10 JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.882142+00:00 1

Collection does not have a key parameter because it does not store any additional data in Storage. In contrast, it has a name parameter that serves as a semantic identifier of the collection.

ds_1 = ln.Collection([artifact_no_key_1, artifact_no_key_2], name="no key collection")
ds_2 = ln.Collection([artifact_key_3, artifact_key_4], name="sample collection")
Collection(uid='r38zSUxM5pa0M6TL0000', is_latest=True, name='no key collection', hash='t2Zv7Le5EfyNPN_U74K-zQ', visibility=1, created_by_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1)

Advantages and disadvantages of semantic keys

Semantic keys have several advantages and disadvantages that we will discuss and demonstrate in the remaining notebook:


  • Simple: It can be easier to refer to specific collections in conversations

  • Familiarity: Most people are familiar with the concept of semantic names


  • Length: Semantic names can be long with limited aesthetic appeal

  • Inconsistency: Lack of naming conventions can lead to confusion

  • Limited metadata: Semantic keys can contain some, but usually not all metadata

  • Inefficiency: Writing lengthy semantic names is a repetitive process and can be time-consuming

  • Ambiguity: Overly descriptive artifact names may introduce ambiguity and redundancy

  • Clashes: Several people may attempt to use the same semantic key. They are not unique

Renaming artifacts

Renaming Files that have associated keys can be done on several levels.

In storage

A artifact can be locally moved or renamed:

loaded_artifact = artifact_key_3.load()
!mkdir complex_biological_project/moved_artifacts
!mv complex_biological_project/raw/raw_data_3.txt complex_biological_project/moved_artifacts

After moving the artifact locally, the storage location (the path) has not changed and the artifact can still be loaded.

artifact_3 = artifact_key_3.load()

The same applies to the key which has not changed.


By key

Besides moving the artifact in storage, the key can also be renamed.

artifact_key_4.key = "bad_samples/sample_data_4.txt"

Due to the usage of virtual keys, modifying the key does not change the storage location and the artifact stays accessible.

artifact_4 = artifact_key_4.load()

Modifying the path attribute

However, modifying the path directly is not allowed:

    artifact_key_4.path = f"{ln.settings.storage}/here_now/sample_data_4.txt"
except AttributeError as e:
property of 'Artifact' object has no setter

Clashing semantic keys

Semantic keys should not clash. Let’s attempt to use the same semantic key twice

artifact_key_4.key = "raw/raw_data_3.txt"

When filtering for this semantic key it is now unclear to which artifact we were referring to:

uid id key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id

When querying by key LaminDB cannot resolve which artifact we actually wanted. In fact, we only get a single hit which does not paint a complete picture.


Both artifacts still exist though with unique uids that can be used to get access to them. Most importantly though, saving these artifacts to the database will result in an IntegrityError to prevent this issue.

except Exception as e:
        "It is not possible to save artifacts to the same key. This results in an"
        " Integrity Error!"

We refer to What happens if I save the same artifacts & records twice? for more detailed explanations of behavior when attempting to save artifacts multiple times.


Another common use-case of keys are artifact hierarchies. It can be useful to resemble the artifact structure in “complex_biological_project” from above also in LaminDB to allow for queries for artifacts that were stored in specific folders. Common examples of this are folders specifying different processing stages such as raw, preprocessed, or curated.

Note that this use-case may also be overlapping with Collection which also allows for grouping Files. However, Collection cannot model hierarchical groupings.


import os

for root, _, artifacts in os.walk("complex_biological_project/raw"):
    for artifactname in artifacts:
        file_path = os.path.join(root, artifactname)
        key_path = file_path.removeprefix("complex_biological_project")
        ln_artifact = ln.Artifact(file_path, key=key_path)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000', is_latest=True, key='raw/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
! key raw/raw_data_3.txt on existing artifact differs from passed key /raw/raw_data_4.txt
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000', is_latest=True, suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='1MG6uuqhkS223oIvSC0OQQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
! updated key from None to /raw/raw_data_1.txt
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000', is_latest=True, suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
! updated key from None to /raw/raw_data_2.txt
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_3.txt'
 storing artifact 'kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_4.txt'
 storing artifact 'x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt'
 storing artifact 'rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_2.txt'
 storing artifact 'te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_3.txt'
 storing artifact 'sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_4.txt'
 storing artifact 'j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_1.txt'
 storing artifact 'bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key '/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_2.txt'
 storing artifact 'CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000.txt'
uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
3 ctxOjAm3eXjOy6O50000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 zIz0NLXJyfOhfzJjUSeF7w None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.877483+00:00 1
4 ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.882142+00:00 1


Alternatively, it would have been possible to create a Collection with a corresponding name:

all_data_paths = []
for root, _, artifacts in os.walk("complex_biological_project/raw"):
    for artifactname in artifacts:
        file_path = os.path.join(root, artifactname)

all_data_artifacts = []
for path in all_data_paths:

data_ds = ln.Collection(all_data_artifacts, name="data")
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000', is_latest=True, key='raw/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='1MG6uuqhkS223oIvSC0OQQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='Znfy-d2YaGq6mhnKVZ73cg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_4.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='H9WBg3fKPru_x1tjLBdi0A', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='Qd0odqcDHxsSxBWmDeWL-A', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='HubsKCXbH62pB35-Gvb5uA', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='KxVX5ZbjhAEmUk3-3cByvA', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_4.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='vAvozpe0B10yCF5SQZ6dXw', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='tIYa5zvTPL3Ib8ynk7d69w', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='x8IA60KUiaGtcih_ui7f4Q', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
Collection(uid='ZVuw3TSujUNKLkjS0000', is_latest=True, name='data', hash='a47rd0wg4voagyTRqcdiYw', visibility=1, created_by_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
uid name description hash reference reference_type visibility transform_id meta_artifact_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
1 ZVuw3TSujUNKLkjS0000 data None a47rd0wg4voagyTRqcdiYw None None 1 1 None None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.569170+00:00 1

This approach will likely lead to clashes. Alternatively, Ulabels can be added to Files to resemble hierarchies.


for root, _, artifacts in os.walk("complex_biological_project/raw"):
    for artifactname in artifacts:
        file_path = os.path.join(root, artifactname)
        key_path = file_path.removeprefix("complex_biological_project")
        ln_artifact = ln.Artifact(file_path, key=key_path)

        data_label = ln.ULabel(name="data")
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000', is_latest=True, key='raw/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
! key raw/raw_data_3.txt on existing artifact differs from passed key /raw/raw_data_4.txt
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='1MG6uuqhkS223oIvSC0OQQ', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:04:59 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='Znfy-d2YaGq6mhnKVZ73cg', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_4.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='H9WBg3fKPru_x1tjLBdi0A', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='Qd0odqcDHxsSxBWmDeWL-A', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_2/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='HubsKCXbH62pB35-Gvb5uA', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_3.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='KxVX5ZbjhAEmUk3-3cByvA', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_4.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='vAvozpe0B10yCF5SQZ6dXw', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_1.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='tIYa5zvTPL3Ib8ynk7d69w', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
 returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(uid='CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000', is_latest=True, key='/raw/Collection_1/raw_data_2.txt', suffix='.txt', size=10, hash='x8IA60KUiaGtcih_ui7f4Q', _hash_type='md5', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:00 UTC)
 returning existing ULabel record with same name: 'data'
labels = ln.ULabel.lookup()
uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
4 ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.882142+00:00 1
1 vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000 /raw/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 1MG6uuqhkS223oIvSC0OQQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.832988+00:00 1
2 gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000 /raw/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.839372+00:00 1
5 kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 Znfy-d2YaGq6mhnKVZ73cg None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.383407+00:00 1
6 x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_4.txt None .txt None 10 H9WBg3fKPru_x1tjLBdi0A None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.394396+00:00 1
7 rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 Qd0odqcDHxsSxBWmDeWL-A None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.405914+00:00 1
8 te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 HubsKCXbH62pB35-Gvb5uA None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.417777+00:00 1
9 sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 KxVX5ZbjhAEmUk3-3cByvA None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.429271+00:00 1
10 j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_4.txt None .txt None 10 vAvozpe0B10yCF5SQZ6dXw None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.440795+00:00 1
11 bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 tIYa5zvTPL3Ib8ynk7d69w None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.452292+00:00 1
12 CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 x8IA60KUiaGtcih_ui7f4Q None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.463601+00:00 1

However, Ulabels are too versatile for such an approach and clashes are also to be expected here.


Due to the chance of clashes for the aforementioned approaches being rather high, we generally recommend not to store hierarchical data with solely semantic keys. Biological metadata makes Files and Collections unambiguous and easily queryable.

Legacy data and multiple storage roots

Distributed Collections

LaminDB can ingest legacy data that already had a structure in their storage. In such cases, it disables _artifact_use_virtual_keys and the artifacts are ingested with their actual storage location. It might be therefore be possible that Files stored in different storage roots may be associated with a single Collection. To simulate this, we are disabling _artifact_use_virtual_keys and ingest artifacts stored in a different path (the “legacy data”).

ln.settings.creation._artifact_use_virtual_keys = False
for root, _, artifacts in os.walk("complex_biological_project/preprocessed"):
    for artifactname in artifacts:
        file_path = os.path.join(root, artifactname)
        key_path = file_path.removeprefix("complex_biological_project")


        ln_artifact = ln.Artifact(file_path, key=f"./{key_path}")
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key './/preprocessed/result_4.txt'
 storing artifact 'WCyRQKHosqpImJe50000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/preprocessed/result_4.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key './/preprocessed/result_2.txt'
 storing artifact 'xH3PRPOvq02tAT3G0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/preprocessed/result_2.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key './/preprocessed/result_1.txt'
 storing artifact 'qSKFMoZOXKQKTUXs0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/preprocessed/result_1.txt'
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key './/preprocessed/result_3.txt'
 storing artifact '8oVBTVygRig9UQWp0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/preprocessed/result_3.txt'
uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
16 8oVBTVygRig9UQWp0000 .//preprocessed/result_3.txt None .txt None 10 kRRPK6pRgB2iLecuFS-lHw None None md5 None 1 False 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.992282+00:00 1
15 qSKFMoZOXKQKTUXs0000 .//preprocessed/result_1.txt None .txt None 10 9jdQX1actCD2GearDB-JMw None None md5 None 1 False 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.980059+00:00 1
14 xH3PRPOvq02tAT3G0000 .//preprocessed/result_2.txt None .txt None 10 ysELLmG0542LzQEMzKiY7Q None None md5 None 1 False 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.967921+00:00 1
13 WCyRQKHosqpImJe50000 .//preprocessed/result_4.txt None .txt None 10 IYaxQhdrnS0luIjjOqZ3Rg None None md5 None 1 False 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.955617+00:00 1
12 CxCulNOXBWjWKz4s0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 x8IA60KUiaGtcih_ui7f4Q None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.463601+00:00 1
11 bLsYhVQxm3APV0Tt0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 tIYa5zvTPL3Ib8ynk7d69w None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.452292+00:00 1
10 j6n9nPs51ZBUQ1Cl0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_4.txt None .txt None 10 vAvozpe0B10yCF5SQZ6dXw None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.440795+00:00 1
9 sExa1DH893o3zwZG0000 /raw/Collection_1/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 KxVX5ZbjhAEmUk3-3cByvA None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.429271+00:00 1
8 te35xyhWLcmG8WNS0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 HubsKCXbH62pB35-Gvb5uA None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.417777+00:00 1
7 rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 Qd0odqcDHxsSxBWmDeWL-A None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.405914+00:00 1
6 x5ShYxYUvPNMg8DI0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_4.txt None .txt None 10 H9WBg3fKPru_x1tjLBdi0A None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.394396+00:00 1
5 kU9A5MhIFcDY42Yn0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 Znfy-d2YaGq6mhnKVZ73cg None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.383407+00:00 1
2 gXHM0rlecT3tN04T0000 /raw/raw_data_2.txt None .txt None 10 OgzRHeBTctZXZvZvODqDWg None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.839372+00:00 1
1 vz1swye6nz7S1YBO0000 /raw/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 1MG6uuqhkS223oIvSC0OQQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.832988+00:00 1
4 ItGAglU0jdSacP0V0000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 JRozzO1RGSYZ_czTVN4YOQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.882142+00:00 1
3 ctxOjAm3eXjOy6O50000 raw/raw_data_3.txt None .txt None 10 zIz0NLXJyfOhfzJjUSeF7w None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:04:59.877483+00:00 1
artifact_from_raw = ln.Artifact.filter(key__icontains="Collection_2/raw_data_1").first()
artifact_from_preprocessed = ln.Artifact.filter(


Let’s create our Collection:

ds = ln.Collection(
    [artifact_from_raw, artifact_from_preprocessed],
Collection(uid='fAOrka0m59QBd0ZC0000', is_latest=True, name='raw_and_processed_collection_2', hash='v4PxMSrdOOecpOp99eClpQ', visibility=1, created_by_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:01 UTC)
uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
7 rZpVfNXuZHgijgTa0000 /raw/Collection_2/raw_data_1.txt None .txt None 10 Qd0odqcDHxsSxBWmDeWL-A None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.405914+00:00 1
15 qSKFMoZOXKQKTUXs0000 .//preprocessed/result_1.txt None .txt None 10 9jdQX1actCD2GearDB-JMw None None md5 None 1 False 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:00.980059+00:00 1

Modeling directories

ln.settings.creation._artifact_use_virtual_keys = True
dir_path = ln.core.datasets.dir_scrnaseq_cellranger("sample_001")
• file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), using only last suffix: '.bai' - if you want your composite suffix to be recognized add it to lamindb.core.storage.VALID_SIMPLE_SUFFIXES.add()
3 sub-directories & 15 files with suffixes '.bam', '.h5', '.bai', '.html', '.csv', '.tsv.gz', '.mtx.gz', '.cloupe'
├── metrics_summary.csv
├── raw_feature_bc_matrix/
│   ├── matrix.mtx.gz
│   ├── barcodes.tsv.gz
│   └── features.tsv.gz
├── molecule_info.h5
├── filtered_feature_bc_matrix/
│   ├── matrix.mtx.gz
│   ├── barcodes.tsv.gz
│   └── features.tsv.gz
├── raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5
├── filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
├── web_summary.html
├── possorted_genome_bam.bam
├── analysis/
│   └── analysis.csv
├── possorted_genome_bam.bam.bai
└── cloupe.cloupe

There are two ways to create Artifact objects from directories: from_dir() and Artifact.

cellranger_raw_artifact = ln.Artifact.from_dir("sample_001/raw_feature_bc_matrix/")
! folder is outside existing storage location, will copy files from sample_001/raw_feature_bc_matrix/ to /home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/raw_feature_bc_matrix
 created 3 artifacts from directory using storage /home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval and key = raw_feature_bc_matrix/
for artifact in cellranger_raw_artifact:
 storing artifact 'SyWFfJ57CigJuMrN0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/SyWFfJ57CigJuMrN0000.mtx.gz'
 storing artifact 'Kk7gi23IFUBcsu150000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/Kk7gi23IFUBcsu150000.tsv.gz'
 storing artifact 'Rp34ui0HbwIkKfj30000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/Rp34ui0HbwIkKfj30000.tsv.gz'
cellranger_raw_folder = ln.Artifact(
    "sample_001/raw_feature_bc_matrix/", description="cellranger raw"
• path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/7C5uWKKtfUUvJ7Hd')
 storing artifact '7C5uWKKtfUUvJ7Hd0000' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/faq/key-eval/.lamindb/7C5uWKKtfUUvJ7Hd'
Artifact(uid='7C5uWKKtfUUvJ7Hd0000', is_latest=True, description='cellranger raw', suffix='', size=18, hash='4i9GqgAUNQXCrQAuQA2lig', n_objects=3, _hash_type='md5-d', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=True, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1, created_by_id=1, created_at=2024-12-20 15:05:01 UTC)
uid key description suffix type size hash n_objects n_observations _hash_type _accessor visibility _key_is_virtual storage_id transform_id version is_latest run_id created_at created_by_id
17 SyWFfJ57CigJuMrN0000 raw_feature_bc_matrix/matrix.mtx.gz None .mtx.gz None 6 XOnez0OTB6r28lB62xVZWQ None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:01.148751+00:00 1
18 Kk7gi23IFUBcsu150000 raw_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz None .tsv.gz None 6 AbAlCnDqyT2A_LApLkOs8Q None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:01.153629+00:00 1
19 Rp34ui0HbwIkKfj30000 raw_feature_bc_matrix/features.tsv.gz None .tsv.gz None 6 IyT0Pw8ghO0ubKGkDrxbOg None None md5 None 1 True 1 1 None True 1 2024-12-20 15:05:01.158323+00:00 1
artifact = ln.Artifact.get(description="cellranger raw")
<generator object Path.glob at 0x7fa0eeadace0>